Genshin Impact – Moonchase Festival Leaked Cutscene – Yelan, FU Hua, Yunjin Revealed

Genshin Impact will soon have a Moonchase Festival, and a cutscene of the Moonchase Festival revealing new characters Yelan, and Yunjin based on Fu Hua has been leaked. Moonchase Festival is going to be held in the Liyue region of Genshin Impact. These characters will be playable in the game.

Here is the tweet of the Genshin Impact leaker:

The Cutscene tells the history of the Moonchase Festival, and how it is related to Guoba the Stove God. The Cutscene also revealed two characters Yelan and Yunjin that are based on Fu Hua from the game Honkai Impact.

New Upcoming Characters of Genshin Impact: Yelan and Yunjin

Yelan is the first new upcoming character that was revealed in the cutscene, she is a playable character and a polearm user as shown in the cutscene. No further details have been revealed about her. She resembles Fu Hua of the Hankai Impact. Yelan is related to the Moonchase Festival which means that she’s more than 1000 years old as the Moonchase Festival is going on for thousand of Years.

The Second new upcoming revealed in the cutscene is Yunjin. She was seen in the backside of all the characters in the cutscene which shows that she isn’t playable in the game. However there are no details revealed about both these characters.