Where To Find Hydra in Diablo Immortal?

Several players are finding it difficult to find the Fleshcraft Hydra and Sandstone Golem in Diablo Immortal! Here’s how to find Hydra in Diablo Immortal.

There are several creatures in DI which came from the deepest corners of hell. You will encounter several hideous beasts in DI and one of them is Fleshcraft Hydra. It is one of the most powerful bosses in the game so we have made this guide to tell you where to find Hydra in DI.

Diablo Immortal – Fleshcraft Hydra:

Here’s where to find Fleshcraft Hydra in Diablo Immortal:

  • The Fleshcraft Hydra and Sandstone Golem can be found in Zoltun Kulle’s Library.
  • As you go through the tale, you will naturally come to this place.
  • They don’t just materialize there for you, though.
  • You will have to call them and you will summon them by collecting the “Lost Pages” in Zoltun Kulle’s Library.
  • When you get five of them, you will be able to make a Portal Tome and access the “Kulle’s, Hidden Chambers.”
  • Collect five Lost Pages during your quest in Zoltun Kulle’s Library to make a Portal Tome.
  • Open magical portals to one of Kulle’s hidden rooms with the Portal Tomes.
  • A gateway will open or a strong creature will be summoned if you activate a Portal Tome.
  • These “Kulle’s Hidden Chambers” are basically mini-dungeons.
  • There is a secret section of Zoltun Kulle’s Library. When you get a Portal Tome, one of these rooms will open at random.
  • You will have to 2 minutes to get to the spawning place at that moment.
  • Because the Hydra and Sandstone Golem are both “World bosses”
  • You can find the Fleshcraft Hydra in the Hydra’s Lair just to the left of the Writhing Ingress waypoint.