Tales of Symphonia Remastered | Top 10 Best Costumes

Tales of Symphonia Remastered is a classic JRPG that has been remastered for modern platforms, including the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC.

In addition to improved graphics and gameplay, the remastered version also includes a plethora of new costumes that players can use to customize their characters. Here in this guide, we have listed the top 10 costumes available in Tales of Symphonia Remastered. So keep reading this guide!

Top 10 Costumes in Tales of Symphonia Remastered:

Here are the top 10 costumes in Tales of Symphonia Remastered:

  1.  Lloyd’s “Knight of Ratatosk”Lloyd’s “Knight of Ratatosk” costume is a reference to another Tales game, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. This costume gives Lloyd a new outfit that makes him look like a knight, complete with a new sword and shield.
  2. Colette – “Maid”Colette’s “Maid” costume is a fun and playful costume that gives her maid outfit, complete with a frilly apron and a feather duster. It’s a cute and charming costume that is perfect for fans of the character.
  3. Genis – “Alice”Genis’ “Alice” costume is a reference to Alice from Alice in Wonderland. This costume gives Genis a new outfit that is reminiscent of Alice’s iconic blue dress, complete with a white apron and a black headband.
  4. Raine – “Nurse”Raine’s “Nurse” costume is a classic costume that has appeared in many Tales and games. This costume gives Raine a nurse outfit, complete with a stethoscope and a nurse’s cap.
  5. Kratos – “Mithos”

    “Kratos’ “Mithos” costume is a reference to Mithos Yggdrasill, the main antagonist of Tales of Symphonia. This costume gives Kratos a new outfit that makes him look like Mithos, complete with a red cloak and a white mask.

  6. Sheena – “GymnastSheena’s “Gymnast” costume is a fun and playful costume that gives her a gymnastics outfit, complete with a leotard and wristbands. It’s a cute and charming costume that is perfect for fans of the character.
  7. Presea – “Butler”Presea’s “Butler” costume is a unique and unexpected costume that gives her a butler outfit, complete with a black suit and a white bowtie. It’s a fun and interesting costume that is sure to catch the eye of other players.
  8. Zelos – “Idol”Zelos’ “Idol” costume is a fun and playful costume that gives him an idol outfit, complete with a microphone and a sequined jacket. It’s a cute and charming costume that is perfect for fans of the character.
  9. Regal – “Pirate”Regal’s “Pirate” costume is a classic costume that has appeared in many Tales games. This costume gives Regal a pirate outfit, complete with a pirate hat and a cutlass.
  10. Mithos – “Swimsuit”Mithos’ “Swimsuit” costume is a fun and playful costume that gives him a swimsuit, complete with a beach ball and a pair of sunglasses. It’s a cute and charming costume that is perfect for fans of the character.

Tales of Symphonia Remastered offers a wide variety of costumes that allow players to customize their characters in fun and interesting ways. From classic costumes that have appeared in other Tales games to unique and unexpected costumes, there is something for everyone in this remastered version of the game. So choose your favorite costumes and get ready to embark on an epic journey with your favorite characters from Tales of Symphonia.