Minecraft Legends | Where To Find All Golems?

Minecraft Legends is an adventure game that offers players an opportunity to explore a vast and dynamic world filled with unique challenges and hidden treasures.

One of the key aspects of this game is the ability to create and command an army of golems, each with its own set of abilities and strengths. From the tough and durable cobblestone golem to the ranged attacks of the plank golem, players can strategize and customize their army to suit their playstyle. In this guide, we will explore where to find all the golems in Minecraft Legends, the materials required to build them, and their unique traits on the battlefield. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide will help you build an unstoppable army of golems and conquer the Overworld.

Minecraft Legends – Golems Locations:

First, let’s take a quick look at the four types of golems that you can use in Minecraft Legends: cobblestone golems, plank golems, mossy golems, and grindstone golems. Each type of golem has its own unique abilities and traits that you can use to your advantage in the game.

Cobblestone Golems:

Cobblestone golems are the warriors of your army. They are tough and excel in close-range combat. To build a cobblestone golem spawner, you’ll need 35 Stones and 15 Lapis. These materials are easy to gather, so you can build these golems right from the start of the game.

Plank Golems:

Plank golems are the rangers of your group, using long-range attacks to shoot arrows against both piglins and enemy structures. To build a plank golem spawner, you’ll need 35 pieces of Wood and 15 Lapis. These golems are also easy to build, so you can have them in your army early on.

Mossy Golems:

Mossy golems fill the support role in your army. They heal you if you stand within their water range. To build a mossy golem spawner, you’ll first have to place an Improvement Hub in your base and add the Gather Iron melody next to it. It will unlock the Iron material to gather and use it on new items, such as the mossy golem spawner. The spawner requires 10 Iron and 30 Lapis, so you’ll need to spend some time in the game before you can build these golems.

Grindstone Golems:

Grindstone golems are the cavalry of the Hero’s army. They charge against enemies, knocking them down before they can get to you. To build a grindstone golem spawner, you’ll need to have an Improvement Hub in your base and add the Gather Iron melody. Like the mossy golems, it requires 10 Iron and 30 Lapis to build the spawner.

So, cobblestone and plank golems are the easiest to build, while mossy and grindstone golems require more time and resources. Each type of golem has its own unique abilities that you can use in your game strategy, so make sure to experiment and see which ones work best for you. Happy hunting!

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