Minecraft Legends | How To Fast Travel in Game?

Minecraft Legends offers a vast overworld that can take hours to traverse.

This can be particularly frustrating when you need to reach a location urgently, such as when one of your villages is under attack by Piglins. Thankfully, Mojang Studios has introduced the fast travel feature in Minecraft Legends. However, the feature is not enabled by default, and players need to unlock it. In this guide, we will show you how to fast travel in Minecraft Legends.

Minecraft Legends – Fast Travel:

Here’s how to Fast Travel in ML:

To fast travel in Minecraft Legends, you first need to unlock Fast Travel Waypoints. There are three waypoints in the campaign mode that players need to unlock. These waypoints are found in Friendly Villages and Wellhouses, an important structure in the game.

To use the fast travel feature, players need to open the map and hover over any of the waypoints they have unlocked. Once the waypoint is selected, players can press the Fast Travel button below it, which will teleport them to that specific location from anywhere in the vast overworld. This feature is particularly useful when players need to reach their villages quickly and defend them against Piglin attacks.

It is important to note that Villages and Wellhouses are the only fast travel options in the game. Players can build Wellhouses anywhere on the map, provided they have the necessary resources. To build a Wellhouse, players require 250x Wood, 250x Stone, 75x Iron, and 50x Prismarine. Once players complete building this structure, it will serve as both a Fast Travel waypoint and a respawn point.

So, the fast travel feature in Minecraft Legends can save players a lot of time and hassle when they need to reach their villages quickly. Unlocking Fast Travel Waypoints is essential to use this feature, and players should prioritize unlocking them as early as possible. Additionally, building a Wellhouse can provide players with an additional fast travel option that they can place anywhere on the map. By using these features, players can explore the vast overworld of Minecraft Legends with ease and defend their villages against Piglin attacks.

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