Mail Time | How To Unlock All Trophies/Achievemnts?

Mail Time is a simulation game that provides a unique experience to players as they take on the role of a postmaster.

The game involves sorting and delivering letters and packages to various destinations around the world. The gameplay involves a range of challenges and tasks that players must complete in order to progress in the game. As players complete these tasks, they can earn achievements that provide a sense of accomplishment and offer rewards.

The achievement system in Mail Time is an exciting feature that adds to the game’s replay value. There are various achievements that players can earn by completing different tasks and challenges within the game. These achievements range in difficulty, and some may require players to put in more effort and time than others. Nevertheless, they all provide a fun and rewarding experience that motivates players to keep playing.

The achievements in Mail Time offer a range of rewards, including coins, which can be used to upgrade the post office and unlock new features. As players earn achievements, they can unlock new levels and access new destinations, allowing them to experience different parts of the world. This makes the game more engaging and provides a sense of progression as players move through the various levels and challenges. Let’s take a look at all the 23 achievements that can be unlocked in Mail Time!

‏Mail Time – Achievements:

Here’s how to unlock all the achievements in Mail Time:

Homemade Mail Scout
Ice BreakerGet to know your neighbourhood
Social ButterflyMeet everyone in the neighbourhood!
Scout of the DayComplete 10 deliveries!
Scout of the WeekComplete 25 deliveries!
Scout of the MonthComplete 50 deliveries!
TakeoffGlide for 60 seconds!
In the CloudsGlide for 5 minutes!
Long DistanceGlide for 15 minutes!
AdventurerFind 5 trinkets!
ExplorerFind 20 trinkets!
ArcheologistFind 40 trinkets!
Express ShippingDeliver a letter in under 30 seconds!
Dear RecipientDeliver your very first letter!
Next Day DeliveryTake over 15 minutes to deliver a letter!
Side HustleDeliver meals instead of mail!
MycologistSample all the rare mushrooms!
Fan MailDeliver a fan’s letter to their idol!
Crime PreventionPrevent a crime from taking place!!
Secret AdmirerDeliver an anonymous love letter <3
Coin ConnoisseurFind all rare coins!
LitterbugDo your part & clean up the forest!
BureaucratFile an official letter of complaint >:(

Check out this guide here to find out How To Unlock All Trophies/Achievements in Darkest Dungeons II!