How To Defeat Tremonius Boss in Halo Infinite?

Halo Infinite is finally out and players are very excited to play its campaign. Here’s how to defeat the Tremonius Boss in Halo Infinite.

In this guide, I will give you some details on Tremonius Boss and some guiding tips on how you can win the Termonius Boss Fight in Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite – Tremonius Boss

When you start playing the game, the Tremonius Boss fight is going to be your first boss fight. Tremonius Boss’s defense ability is very high as he wears a complete armor set so it means that you won’t be able to defeat it easily. So we have listed a few tips for you below that will help you to win the Tremonius Boss Fight.

How to Defeat Tremonius Boss?

  • As I already mentioned that he is fully equipped with armor, so i’s not a good idea to fight him closely.
  • Make sure to maintain your distance.
  • If he jumps over you, just move to the sides.
  • Try using your plasma gun to destroy his armor.
  • Plasma guns are good to destroy the shield easily.
  • Now you need to find jackals and destroy them.
  • It would be easy if you use your grenades.
  • Instead of grenades, you can also use canisters, that you can blow near it.
  • After destroying all jackals, the fight is going to be easy for you.
  • Mostly used grenades to kill Tremonius.

That’s all there is to know about how to win the Tremonius Boss fight in Halo Infinite Campaign.