Genshin Impact | How To Rescue The Little Animals and Complete the Den of Thieves Challenge?

A new event has been started in GI. Here’s how to help the little animals in Go to Investigation Site & Perform Rescue quest and complete Den of Thieves Challenge in Genshin Impact.

A new event has been started in GI, and one of its challenges will ask players to help some little animals to complete the Challenge 2 Den of Thieves of the Go-To Investigation Site & Perform Rescue quest. So in this guide, we will tell you how to help little animals and complete challenge 2 Den of Thieves in GI.

Genshin Impact – Den of Thieves Challenge – How To Complete?

Follow  the steps below to complete the Den of Thieves Challenge in GI:

  • Go to the southeast of Chinju Forest by doing fast travel.
  • Go to the location marked as two knives on your map.
  • Go down the water level and locate the band of thieves.
  • Beat all the thieves.
  • Unlock the cages of two dogs and let them go.
  • Follow the Paw symbol marked on your map to an island located on the east of Inazuma City.
  • Enter the Circle and locate the little camp full of beautiful dog sentries.
  • Capture three dogs that aren’t sentries with the help of Ubiquity Net.

Once you rescue all the animals located in two different locations the Den of Thieves challenge will be completed.

That’ everything there is to know about how to complete the Den of Thieves Challenge in Genshin Impact.