Far Cry 6 | A Rising Tide Treasure Hunt Puzzle | How To Solve?

Far Cry 6 is full of treasure hunts, unique weapons, missions, etc. A Rising Tide is a very difficult treasure hunt to complete as you will have to solve a puzzle to complete it. So Check out below to find out how to solve the Rising Tide Puzzle and how to complete the treasure hunt in Far Cry 6.

A Rising Tide treasure hunt is the most difficult one in Far Cry 6 because there’s a very confusing puzzle that you need to solve to complete this treasure hunt. You will have to locate five boats and find a sequence to solve the puzzle. So in this guide, we will tell you how to solve the rising tide puzzle and complete the treasure hunt in Far Cry 6.

How to Solve A Rising Tide Puzzle in Far Cry 6?

A Rising Tide treasure hunt can be found in the LEYENDAS DEL’s 67 at the bottom left side in the El Este map of the game. Here’s the exact location marked on the map below:

Once you reach the marked location go inside the big house. Inside the big house, you will find some switches and buttons along with people’s names. You will have to find 5 boats and find the exact pattern in which you need to turn on the switches. This puzzle is very difficult and confusing. However, with the help of this guide, you will be to complete this treasure hunt in no time.

Here are the names of all the boats along with their locations:

Boat # 1 ( EL TIGRE DEL MAR):

The name of the first boat is EL TIGRE DEL MAR and you will find it right outside the house. The number on this boat is 1.

Boat # 2 (EL LUCKY)

The name of the second boat is EL LUCKY and you will find this boat on the roof of a house which is located on the east side of the town. The number on this boat is 3.

Boat # 3 (CLARITO) 

The name of the third boat is CLARITO. You can find this boat on the roof of a house located on the west side of the town. The number of this boat is 4.


The name of the fourth boat is ROJA VICTORIA. You can find this boat underwater. Go to the left of the house where you find the third boat and then go straight between two houses and you will find the fourth boat. The number of this boat is a bit confusing as it is >3.

Boat #5 (PAPI CHULO)

The name of the fifth boat is PAPI CHULO. You will have to use the zipline going to the northern house from the roof of the house. Once you reach the other side of the zipline you will find the fifth boat there. The number of this boat is also weird as it is ≠5 which means it’s not 5.

Take your Rifle and use the scoop to look on the boat and there you will find the numbers written on the side of the boat’s name. The numbers are “47312” which means that the number of this boat is 7.

After you find the code go back to the building and then pull the switches according to the code you have found through the boats.

Once you pull all the switches a locked door will open and the Rising Tide treasure hunt will be completed.

That’s everything there is to know about how to complete A Rising Tide puzzle in Far Cry 6.