Destiny 2 | What Does The Lightning Strikes Twice Mod Do?

Bungie has added a bunch of new mods in season 18 of Destiny 2. Here are all the details you must know about Lightning Strikes Twice Mod.

There are a few mods introduced in Destiny 2 Season 18 by the director Bungie and the Lightning Strikes Twice mod is one of them that hasn’t been seen since Season 10. In this guide, we will tell all the details one must know about the Lightning Strikes Twice mode in D2. So keep reading this guide!

Destiny 2 – Lightning Strikes Twice Mod:

Here’s everything you must know about the Lightning Strikes Twice Mod:

  • Lightning Strikes Twice is a class item mod, it states “After Launching an Arc grenade, gain increased grenade recharge for a short time.”
  • This mod hasn’t been a seasonal Artifact since Season 10, nearly two years ago.
  • You can throw an endless number of Arc grenades if employed appropriately.
  • Like other Artifact Mods, Lightning Strikes Twice can only be obtained via XP.
  • Lightning Strikes Twice is the last Artifact Mod column, thus you must earn all the others first.
  • Thunderous Retort is one of the best Arc 3.0 mods, which boosts Arc super damage by 30% when amplified, and is in the same column as Lightning Strikes Twice.
  • Which mod you choose depends on the game mode or build.
  • You will have to play the game and do whatever you want to do to acquire XP.
  • Bounties are the best way to gain a lot of XP if you want a big XP boost to get Artifact Mods quicker.
  • You can get 6,000, 4,000, and 12,000 XP by completing daily and weakly repeating bounties.
  • This is the best way to get a lot of XP in no time in Destiny 2.

That’s all there is to know about the Lightning Strikes Twice Mod in D2.