Wise Monkey Entertainment to Launch Demo for “No Stone Unturned” on October 8th

Wise Monkey Entertainment has announced the release of a demo for its debut game, “No Stone Unturned.” The demo will be available on October 8th through the Steam platform.

“No Stone Unturned” is not your typical detective RPG. It introduces a novel feature called “Choices That Don’t Matter,” which serves as a counterpoint to the prevalent ‘Choices Matter’ mechanism commonly found in CRPGs (Computer Role-Playing Games). This unique feature allows players to steer their detective down entirely incorrect lines of questioning or thought processes, yet still manage to solve the case. The game promises to offer a comedic and unconventional path to crime-solving, shaped by the player’s whimsical choices.

Meet Detective Cox

Players will step into the shoes of Detective Cox, an anthropomorphic squirrel suffering from amnesia. Despite lacking a mentor or any formal training in detective work, Detective Cox is determined to become the world’s greatest detective. Players will accompany him on this quirky journey, making it up as they go along.

The game is set in the fictional town of Orchard Under Hill, where crimes are committed by one of over 20 different core characters. The game will feature more than 50 cases to solve, not including the main storyline cases, allowing players to immerse themselves in the game’s rich lore and intricate plot.

The upcoming demo, scheduled for release on October 8th, will provide a 15-20 minute ‘first look’ at the game’s planned comedic style and gameplay pace. Players will embark on their first case, titled “A Murder Most Fowl,” and will be tasked with solving the age-old question: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Wise Monkey Entertainment has also announced future updates to the demo, which will include new NPCs with their own cases for players to solve. Additionally, the updates will introduce players to the town of Orchard Under Hill and offer over 20 minutes of additional free demo content.