Crytek Appears To Be Teasing Something Related To Ryse: Son of Rome

Crytek has started to hire new developers for their upcoming projects and their recruitment page has artwork for Ryse: Son of Rome.

Ryse: Son of Rome was a Crytek-developed exclusive game for the Xbox One. It didn’t manage to do that well either financially or critically thus leading to the end of the IP. However, it might resurface again someday. It was also a technical showcase using the latest iteration of the Cry Engine.

The game was critically panned for multiple reasons including a short game length, lackluster gameplay, and technical limitations of the Xbox One. It was originally revealed to be a truly next-generation game but later it received some backlash as it was revealed that the game had received some downgrade on the Xbox One.

Ryse: Son of Rome joins the line of games like The Order 1886 that was more of a cinematic experience than proper video games, and both also suffered the same fate and ended up with a failure, also shutting down their IP in the process.

Ryse: Son of Rome is available now for the Xbox One and PC.