Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom | How To Get To Gerudo Town?

Gerudo Town is an important location in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and getting there is a significant part of the game.

However, the journey can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to go. In this guide, we will show you how to get to Gerudo Town and what you need to do to gain access to the town’s shelter.

Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom –

The first step to getting to Gerudo Town is to head through Gerudo Desert. You will need to pass Kara Kara Bazaar along the way and navigate through the Desert Rift sandstorm. To increase your heat resistance in TOTK, you should find and wear heat-resistant clothing or eat food with heat resistance effects.

To reach Kara Kara Bazaar, you must head southwest from Lookout Landing. Gerudo Town is marked in the bottom left corner of your map if you select the Regional Phenomena main story mission. Eventually, you will reach Gerudo Canyon Pass. Even if it isn’t the shortest route, we recommend following the path to your left, through Yarna Valley. There are plenty of cliffs you will not be able to climb off of the path. Activate the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower so you can plan out your route. Continue southwest until you reach Gerudo Desert. From here, you should be able to see a large tower with a light on top – the Kara Kara Bazaar lighthouse. Head towards this tower, and you’ll reach Kara Kara Bazaar. Make sure to activate the Mayatat Shrine on the northwest of Kara Kara Bazaar so you can fast travel here again.

To get through the Desert Rift sandstorm, head south of Kara Kara Bazaar. You will encounter a sandstorm or “sand shroud” blocking your view. You must continue heading southwest through the sand shroud to reach Gerudo Town, but your map is blocked while you are inside the sandstorm. The easiest way to get through this is by finding one of the gusts of air leading into the sky and opening your paraglider in it. This will shoot you up into the sky and allow you to glide toward Gerudo Town. Make sure to check your map when you are high in the sky above the sand shroud. This will allow you to see where Gerudo Town is and what direction you’re going. Continue heading southwest towards Gerudo Town, either gliding or on foot. Eventually, you will reach Gerudo Town!

Once you reach Gerudo Town, head straight through the gates. You will notice that the town has been taken over by monsters, and the inhabitants are nowhere to be found. Walk straight towards the palace in the south of the town, and you’ll see a hole in the stairs. Head down the stairs, and the guard, Reeza, will not let you in. Men are not usually allowed in Gerudo Town, so she turns you away. This means you’ll have to find an alternative way in!

To get inside the Gerudo Town Shelter, you must jump down the drain and walk along the underground well to get underneath the shelter. Stand in front of the palace steps, look to the left, and you will see a drain. Jump down the drain and into the well. Now head upstream towards the three torches you can see in the distance. Reach the end of the tunnel, where there is a vase on a rope, and use Ascend. You will travel upwards into the Gerudo Town shelter. Buliara, leader of the Gerudo, will allow you to stay, and you’ll be able to use the front door from now on!

Once you are inside the Gerudo Town Shelter, you will have access to all of the shops inside, as well as the inn, and even some new side quests. Make sure to explore the town and talk to the locals to learn more about the Gerudo people and their culture. You can also find new armor and weapons that will be useful for your journey.

However, be aware that you cannot use any weapons or armor in Gerudo Town, as it is a peaceful town. If you try to use your weapons, you will be stopped by the guards and asked to leave. So, make sure to unequip your weapons before entering the town.

In addition, there is a mini-game you can play in Gerudo Town called “Sand-Seal Racing.” You can rent a sand seal from the sand seal rental shop and race through the desert. This is a fun and exciting way to pass the time and earn some rupees.

Overall, getting to Gerudo Town can be a challenging journey, but it is well worth it. Once you are inside the town, you will find many new opportunities for adventure and exploration. So, prepare yourself for the journey ahead, and enjoy your time in Gerudo Town!

Check out this guide here to find out How To Go Through The Lost Woods In Zelda Tears of the kingdom!