“World of Horror” is a unique fusion of role-playing, horror, and pixelated art that draws inspiration from the unsettling works of H. P. Lovecraft and Junji Ito. Here’s how to unlock all the trophies and achievements in it!
Developed by Paweł Koźmiński and Published by Ysbryd Games, this exciting game happens in the pretend town of Shiokawa, Japan, in the mysterious year “198X.” As you explore strange places, solve puzzles, and meet weird creatures, every choice you make matters a lot in stopping a possible apocalypse. Get ready to be really involved in a world where staying alive depends on how smart and brave you are. Plus, try to earn all the trophies and achievements in this scary adventure—it’s a big challenge! So keep reading this guide till the end to find out all the details!
World of Horror: Trophies/Achievements List:
Here’s the list of all the trophies and achievements and how to unlock them:
Trophy/Achievement | Description |
Kyoufu no Zenkai | Complete all achievements |
JUNIOR PRIEST | Purify two cursed places in a single playthrough |
PARANOIA AGENT | Defeat an enemy with a BASEBALL BAT |
PEEPING TOM | Discover a hole in the painting |
PERFECT DISGUISE | Enter the overgrown factory wearing RITUAL ROBE and ‘KARUKOSA’ MASK |
FREQUENT BUYER | Shop for items ten times in a single playthrough |
HOUSE OF PAPER | As MIKU, take a hostage wearing TOKYO outfit |
TEAM KILL | Backstab a follower |
WE DON’T NEED EYES | Destroy your eye and open the third one |
TRUE IDOL | At any point in the game, have 4 followers |
CLASSY RITUAL | Sacrifice your ALLY with a RITUAL DAGGER equipped |
EXORCISM | Exorcise a ghost |
NEVER-ENDING SUMMER | Change the date and stop the curse |
RESTLESS | Complete a playthrough without resting |
SCHOLAR | Research five spells in a single game |
TRANSFER GIRL | Complete a game with the first character |
FIT GIRL | Complete a game with the second character |
THUG SURVIVOR | Complete a game with the third character |
IDOL SURVIVOR | Complete a game with the fourth character |
REPORTER SURVIVOR | Complete a game with the fifth character |
LUNGFUL OF AIR | Complete the [COLD TURKEY] challenge |
GROUNDED FOREVER | Complete the [BUT DAD!!] challenge |
STUDENT SURVIVOR | Complete a game with the sixth character |
CHAOS SURVIVOR | Complete a game with the seventh character |
FROM THE BRINK | Defeat an OLD GOD with over 90% DOOM |
NEED NO EDUCATION | Burn down the school building |
MY DEAR GHOST | Complete the [GHASTLY PRESENCE] challenge |
MOST POPULAR IDOL | Complete the [GHOST TOWN] challenge |
WORLD SAVED I | Win your first playthrough |
WORLD SAVED II | Win your second playthrough |
WORLD SAVED III | Win your third playthrough |
WORLD SAVED IV | Win your fourth playthrough |
PAINTED HOSPITAL | Win your fifth playthrough |
ONYX MEDALLION | Gather five curses |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY I | Win a playthrough using WORLD OF HORROR backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY II | Win a playthrough using MEDICAL HISTORY backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY III | Win a playthrough using HUNTED BY THE CULT backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY IV | Win a playthrough using SEVENTH CURSE backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY V | Win a playthrough using ILL-FATED backstory |
CLUB MEMBER | Join the club |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY VI | Win a playthrough using KNIGHT ERRANT backstory |
TRUE DESPAIR | Win a playthrough on hard difficulty |
FINAL STAND I | Reach turn 30 in ENDLESS mode |
FINAL STAND II | Reach turn 40 in ENDLESS mode |
FINAL STAND III | Reach turn 50 in ENDLESS mode |
MIRA | Solve the BLUE GEM riddle |
TRUE ANARCHY | Complete the [PAROLE VIOLATION] challenge |
HAIL TO THE KING | As MORIKO, defeat an enemy with a working CHAINSAW |
PRIMUM NON NOCERE | Defeat DREAM DEVOURER without killing a single patient |
SWEATER GIRL | Find the missing girl |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY VII | Win a playthrough using SCARS backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY VIII | Win a playthrough using CURIOUS BIRTHMARK backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY IX | Win a playthrough using ELDRITCH PARASITE backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY X | Win a playthrough using EXQUISITE TASTE backstory |
ELDRITCH BACKSTORY XXX | Win a playthrough using FATALIST backstory |
FLOODED NAILS | Win your sixth playthrough |
SPORE INFECTION | Defeat KINOKO GATHERER without any weapon |
INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS | Forget five spells in one playthrough |
INSATIABLE LUST | Defeat a HUMAN enemy in one combat round |
PERFECT FORM | Win your seventh playthrough |
HOMERUN | Complete a playthrough with YUMIKO |
That’s all there is to know about how to unlock all the trophies and achievements in World of Horror!
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