Wo Long Fallen Dynasty | How To Claim The Baihu Armor?

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty is an action-packed role-playing game that offers a unique gaming experience to players.

As with most games these days, there is bonus content available for those who pre-order or purchase the game before a specific date. In Wo Long: FD, the bonus content is the Baihu Armor. The armor has a beautiful mix of gold and white and is held together with a tiger-like theme for the helmet. Not only does the armor look great, but it also has powerful stats that can help you out during early-game encounters. If you’re looking to get your hands on this armor, then this guide will show you exactly how to claim the Baihu Armor in Wo Long: FD

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty – Baihu Armor:

If you want to claim the Baihu Armor in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, follow these simple steps:

  1. Pre-order Wo Long Fallen Dynasty or purchase it before March 16. The Baihu Armor is only available for players who pre-ordered the game or bought it before a specific date.
  2. Start your game and look for the battle flags. These flags serve as checkpoints in the game and are usually located in areas with tough enemies or bosses.
  3. Approach one of the battle flags and rest to access the menu for the armor.
  4. Scroll down the menu until you reach the deliveries section.
  5. Select the deliveries section, and the game will scan your account for any missing DLC.

  6. If you pre-ordered Wo Long Fallen Dynasty or bought it before March 16, the Baihu Armor will appear in the list of DLC.
  7. Select the Baihu Armor to claim it for your character.
  8. The armor will now be available for use in the game.
  9. Enjoy the unique style and powerful stats of the Baihu Armor as you progress through the game.

Remember that the Baihu Armor is only available for a limited time, so make sure to claim it as soon as possible if you want to use it in your playthrough. Also, keep in mind that you can upgrade the armor to make it even more powerful, so be sure to invest in it if you plan to use it throughout the game.

Check out this guide here if you want to know soft caps for all stats in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.