Where To Find The Hoverboard and How To Ride it in Dying Light 2?

There are not many ways to travel in the open world of Dying Light 2. Here’s where to find the hoverboard and how to ride it in Dying Light 2.

DL2 has a ton of content for the players to explore in its open-world while killing hordes of zombies. But unfortunately, it doesn’t have any type of vehicle that players can use to travel from one place to another. So players are curiously waiting for anything which can be used to move around the open world of DL2. So we have made this guide, to tell you where to find the hoverboard and how to ride it in DL2.

Dying Light 2 – Hoverboard:

How To Unlock:

Here’s how to find the hoverboard in DL2.

  • You will have to go to Saint Paul’s Island which is located in the Central Loop.
  • Go towards the church and climb it with the help of the power cord to turn on the power near the bell.
  • Get back to the bottom of the church and turn on the radio and then look in the corners to find the first Hoverboard.
  • Interact with the Hoverboard and then keep an eye out for the red footprints.
  • You will eventually reach the Muddy Ground by following the red footprints.
  • Follow the red footprints by using your survival scan and there you will find the second hoverboard leaning up against wit the rail near the southern-most bridge.
  • Go Southwest and keep following the red footprint and you will eventually find the third and the last Hoverboard.

How To Ride It:

Start the Parkour challenge once you find all three hoverboards. You will be able to earn the following Parkour XP as the reward for completing these Hoverboard Parkour challenges:

Bronze 150 Sec258 Parkour XP
Silver90 Sec516 Parkour XP
Gold70 Sec1032 Parkour XP

You can only ride a hoverboard during this Parkour Challenge. So it means that you will have to keep gliding and running to move around the open world of DL2.