Where To Find & Get The Sacred Relic Sword in The Elden Ring?

Elden Ring has several kinds of swords and weapons for players to find while progressing through the story. Here’s where to find and get the sacred Relic sword in Elden Ring.

There are several powerful swords that players can unlock in Elden Ring. The Sacred Relic Sword is the perfect Greatsword that is ideal for melee characters who likes to have some magic while fighting with a foe. Unfortuantely this sword can only be unlocked after you complete the game. In this guide, we will tell you where to find and get the Sacred Relic Sword in Elden RIng.

Elden Ring – The Sacred Relic Sword:

Spoiler Warning !

How To Get:

The Sacred Relic Sword can only be obtained after you complete the game as you will have to trade Elden Remembrance to get this sword in Elden Ring.

Here’s how to get the Sacred Relic Sword in Elden Ring:

  • First of all, you will need to get Elden Remembrance and for that you must defeat the Elden Beast.
  • Elden Beast can be found at the Elden Throne, defeat the Elden Beast and you will get Elden Remembrance from it.
  • Once you have the Elden Remembrance in your hands go to Roundtable Hold via Fast Travel.
  • There you will need to find Enia, talk to her and she will give you the Sacred Relic Sword in exchange of the Elden Remembrance.

Stats of The Sacred Relic Sword:

  • You must have these as minimum levels in the following stats to complete the requirements of the Sacred Relic Sword:
Strength (Str)14
Dexterity (Dex)24
Faith (Fai)22


  • The Base Attack Stats of the Sacred Relic Sword are as following:
Physical attack118
Weapon SkillWaves of Gold