Sons Of The Forest | Where To Find The Golden Mask & Golden Armor?

Looking for the Golden Armor and Golden Mask in Sons of the Forest can be a challenging and exciting adventure.

These powerful items are essential to beating the game and unlocking its ultimate ending. In this article, we’ll focus on the Golden Mask’s location, which is an essential part of the Golden Armor set.

Sons of The Forest – Golden Armor & Golden Mask:

To find the Golden Mask, you’ll need to start by obtaining the Golden Armor. The Golden Armor is located in a secret bunker, which can be accessed by collecting several items, including the Rebreather, Rope Gun, Shovel, and Keycards. Once you’ve gathered all of these items, you can head to the bunker, where you’ll find the Golden Armor and a puzzle that will lead you to the Golden Mask.

Step 1: Rebreather

The Rebreather is a crucial item in Sons of the Forest, as it allows you to breathe underwater. You can find the Rebreather in the submarine at the abandoned military base.

Step 2: Rope Gun

The Rope Gun can be found in the cave system that connects the military base to the island. To get there, you’ll need to use the Rebreather to swim through an underwater tunnel. Once you reach the cave system, you’ll need to explore until you find the Rope Gun.

Step 3: Shovel

The Shovel can be found in the same cave system where you found the Rope Gun. It’s hidden in a small alcove that you’ll need to dig up using the Shovel.

Step 4: Keycards

To access the secret bunker, you’ll need to collect three Keycards. One can be found in the abandoned military base, one in the cave system, and one in the research facility.

Once you have all the necessary items, head to the bunker and use the Keycards to open the door. Inside, you’ll find the Golden Armor and the puzzle that leads to the Golden Mask.

To solve the puzzle and obtain the Golden Mask, you’ll need to explore the bunker carefully and look for clues. Once you’ve solved the puzzle, you’ll be directed to the Golden Mask’s location, which is near your current location. To reach it, head back out of the room where you found the Golden Armor and take the nearby stairs down to Floor 5.

When you reach Floor 5, turn left to find a lab. As you explore, be prepared for a large mutant to leap at you from the side. You’ll need to use strong weapons, such as the Shotgun or the Pistol, to fend off the mutants and protect yourself.

Once the mutants are defeated, look for the Golden Mask on the middle operating table in the lab. It will be easy to spot, with its shiny golden appearance. You can now add it to your inventory and equip it with the Golden Armor to get the full set and maximize your protection against enemy attacks.

Finding the Golden Mask in Sons of the Forest requires careful exploration, puzzle-solving skills, and combat ability. By following the tips provided in this guide, you can successfully locate the Golden Mask and complete the Golden Armor set, which will give you the protection and power needed to conquer the game’s ultimate ending.

The Golden Armor offers protection against enemy attacks, and it cannot be broken. However, it does have a limited amount of durability, which decreases over time. Once the durability reaches zero, the Golden Armor will become useless.