Sons Of The Forest | All Stats Explained!

Sons of the Forest is a survival horror game that requires players to navigate a dangerous island filled with cannibals and other hazards.

As you progress through the game, you will need to keep track of various stats to ensure your character’s survival. In this article, we’ll explore all the stats in Sons of the Forest and how they affect your gameplay.

Sons of The Forest – All Stats:

  1. Health –

    Your character’s health determines how much damage they can take before dying. Health can be restored by using medkits or eating food.

  2. Stamina –

    Stamina determines how much your character can sprint, jump, and climb before becoming exhausted. It can be restored by resting or using energy bars.

  3. Hunger –

    Hunger determines how hungry your character is and affects their overall health and stamina. Hunger can be restored by eating food.

  4. Thirst –

    Thirst determines how thirsty your character is and affects their overall health and stamina. Thirst can be restored by drinking water.

  5. Strength –

    Strength determines how much damage your character can deal with melee weapons and how much weight they can carry. It can be increased by working out at the gym.

  6. Perception –

    Perception determines how aware your character is of their surroundings and affects their ability to spot enemies and traps. It can be increased by taking perception-enhancing drugs.

  7. Intelligence –

    Intelligence determines your character’s ability to solve puzzles and hack computers. It can be increased by reading books and studying.

  8. Charisma –

    Charisma determines your character’s ability to persuade or intimidate others. It can be increased by interacting with NPCs and completing quests.

  9. Luck –

    Luck determines how lucky your character is and affects their chances of finding rare items or avoiding hazards. It cannot be directly increased but can be affected by certain actions and items.

  10. Stealth –

    Stealth determines how easily your character can sneak past enemies and avoid detection. It can be increased by wearing silent clothing and using stealth-enhancing items.

Sons of the Forest requires players to keep track of various stats to ensure their character’s survival. Health, stamina, hunger, thirst, strength, perception, intelligence, charisma, luck, and stealth all play a crucial role in the game and can be increased through various means. By understanding these stats and how they affect your gameplay, you’ll have a better chance of surviving the dangers of this hostile island.