Redfall | Grave Locks Locations | Where To Find?

Redfall is an action-packed cooperative first-person shooter game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks.

Set in an open-world environment, the game is based on a story where players are tasked with stopping a legion of bloodthirsty vampires that have overrun the once-tranquil island town of Redfall, Massachusetts. As players embark on their journey to rid the town of these supernatural threats, they will encounter various obstacles and challenges that they must overcome using their skills, weapons, and teamwork. One of the key aspects of the game is the collectibles scattered throughout the world, including Grave Locks and Underboss Skulls. In this guide, we will focus on providing detailed information on where to find these collectibles and what rewards they offer.

Redfall – Grave Locations:

Grave Locks can be found anywhere in the game, according to the in-game description. They’re often hidden in caches and hard-to-reach places, so exploring every nook and cranny of the game’s world is essential. There are many different Grave Locks to be found, and they can provide valuable insights into Redfall’s backstory and the events that led to the vampire outbreak.

One Grave Lock that you can find is the “I’m Sorry” Grave Lock. To locate it, head to Sedgewick and find the big roundabout near the edge of the area that leads to Old Town. Facing the plaque on the roundabout’s monument, turn left and look for a fire escape on the side of a building. Jump on the dumpster to get up the stairs, then hop onto the roof. Follow the roof across and climb up onto the adjacent roof, then turn around. You’ll see a dead body sitting in the corner, and the Grave Lock will be there.

Another Grave Lock can be found in Dead Catch Records in Basswood. Clear the area, then head to the back room where you’ll find the Grave Lock behind a fallen set of shelves.

Keep in mind that these are just a couple of examples, and Grave Locks can be found anywhere in the game. They’re often tucked away in hidden corners, so make sure to search every area thoroughly. You never know where you might find a valuable Grave Lock that will help you uncover more of Redfall’s secrets.

So, Grave Locks are an essential collectible in Redfall that not only provide additional lore-building information but also aid in generating psychic residue to help your Ultimate ability. They can be found anywhere in the game, so exploring every corner of the world is crucial to locating them. Keep an eye out for hidden caches and hard-to-reach places, and you’ll be well on your way to uncovering all of Redfall’s secrets.

Check out this guide here to find out All The Underboss Skull Locations in Redfall and Where To Place Them!