Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord | What is Loyality Drift | How It Works?

This is the full guide on how Loyalty Drift and Security work in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. Check the full guide below.

The town loyalty and security features in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is an important part of the game. They don’t work in a vacuum, though. The player needs to take care of the town in order to keep the people happy. The player needs to take care of both the town’s loyalty and security of town in order to keep the people happy. If the player neglects either one of these things, then the people in the town will start to get unhappy. And if the people in the town get too unhappy, they’ll start to leave.

Mount And Blade Bannerliord Loyalty Drift Guide

You must use every effort to prevent town loyalty from drifting since in Bannerlord it decides how likely (or improbable) the populace is to revolt. The culture of a country is a crucial aspect of loyalty. Loyalty penalties do not apply when you take control of a town that is part of your culture, but they do apply when you conquer a town that is part of another culture.

Assign Governer:

In Bannerlord, assigning each town a governor who is a part of its culture is one strategy to lessen the loss of local loyalty. Another approach to boost town loyalty is by upgrading your fairgrounds project and selecting the Festival and Games daily default.

Town Security:

You must control Bannerlord’s Town Security in Mount & Blade II since it is linked to Town Loyalty and has a separate drift. The garrison you leave behind in each town will obviously be the key determining factor here.

Your people will feel safer and become more devoted if you have more men and women prepared to defend your settlements against enemy intrusion. The Fortifications and Garrison Barracks projects may help you expand your garrison’s capabilities.

Provide Food:

If you want to gain the loyalty of your people, providing a steady supply of food is undoubtedly another factor to take into account. The Orchards project is undoubtedly one that you shouldn’t neglect.

Character Perks:

When trying to boost Town Loyalty and Security in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Character Perks might also be useful. Choosing the Parade Perk in the Charm tree (which offers settlements you visit +5 loyalty once every day) or the Security Perk in the Leadership tree (which grants +5 security each day while waiting) will allow you to squeeze in some more perks.

If you want to concentrate your playstyle on establishing your towns, there are others scattered over different trees, so it’s absolutely worth fishing for some.

Wars and Invasions:

Naturally, things like wars and enemy invasions will have an impact on your Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Town Loyalty and Security, but with these suggestions, you should hopefully be a little more prepared to hold onto your arduous communities. Here’s a glimpse at a planned, ambitious Warhammer Fantasy mod for more information about the game.