Metroid Prime Remastered | How To Get Spider Ball?

The Spider Ball is a crucial item in Metroid Prime Remastered that grants Samus the ability to cling to walls and ceilings, enabling her to traverse through previously inaccessible areas of the game.

Without this indispensable tool, players may find themselves stuck and unable to progress any further. However, if you’re facing difficulties in locating the Spider Ball, fret not. This comprehensive guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to obtain this vital item, ensuring that you can continue your exciting adventure without any hindrances.

Metroid Prime Remastered – Spider Ball:

Here’s how to get the spider ball in Metroid Prime Remastered:

Step 1: Obtain the Boost Ball

Before you can obtain the Spider Ball, you’ll need to obtain the Boost Ball. To do this, you must defeat the mini-boss called the Hive Mecha in the Hive Totem. Once defeated, you’ll receive the Boost Ball, which allows Samus to gain momentum and increase her speed by rolling into a ball.

Step 2: Go to the Phendrana Drifts

Once you have the Boost Ball, head to the Phendrana Drifts. This area is accessible from the Tallon Overworld by taking the elevator in the Ruined Courtyard. Once in the Phendrana Drifts, head to the Chozo Ruins South and use the Boost Ball to reach a door high on the wall.

Step 3: Obtain the Thermal Visor

To proceed further into the Phendrana Drifts, you’ll need to obtain the Thermal Visor. This item is necessary to see certain objects and enemies that are invisible to the naked eye. You can find the Thermal Visor in the Magmoor Caverns. Once you have the Thermal Visor, return to the Phendrana Drifts.

Step 4: Reach the Ruined Courtyard

From the Phendrana Drifts, head back to the Tallon Overworld and make your way to the Ruined Courtyard. Once there, use the Thermal Visor to find a hidden platform, and use the Boost Ball to reach it.

Step 5: Obtain the Spider Ball

Once on the hidden platform, use the Scan Visor to locate a nearby statue. Scan the statue to reveal a hidden Morph Ball tunnel. Roll through the tunnel, and you’ll eventually come to a large room with a Spider Ball track. Use the Boost Ball to gain momentum and activate the Spider Ball track. Follow the track to the end to obtain the Spider Ball.

You now have the Spider Ball, which will allow you to traverse walls and ceilings and reach new areas in the game.