Lost Ark | How To Farm Harmony Shards?

Harmony Shards are one of the special resources you will need to upgrade your weapons and armor. Here’s how to farm Harmony Shards in, Lost Ark.

There are several resources scattered around the map of Lost Ark that you will need for different purposes. Harmony Shards are one of these resources that players will need for the endgame content as it will allow them to upgrade their weapons and armors. There are several methods to farm Harmony Shards in L Ark but they are not easy. So in this guide, we will tell you how to farm Harmony Shards and everything else you need to know about it:

Lost Ark – Harmony Shards:

You will need a lot of Harmony Shards to upgrade your weapons and armors as they are one of the essential resources that you will need to increase your item level in L Ark. There are several ways to farm Harmony Shards in L Ark. Let’s take a look at them.

How To Farm Harmony Shards:

The best method to farm Harmony Shards is by completing Chaos Dungeons and Towers in the game. They both are the end-game activities that will be unlocked after you reach Combat Level 50 and item level 250.

  1. You can farm Harmony Shards by completing the Chaos Dungeons. You will be able to run it twice a day. You can get Harmony Shards by killing enemies or by selling Disorder Crystals as you will get a lot of them as a reward for completing the chaos dungeons.
  2. You can farm Harmony Shards by clearing the Tower, which is also an endgame activity. There are 50 floors in the tower that are filled with enemies that you will have to kill while moving up to the top of the Tower.

    The enemies get difficult after each floor and at some point, you won’t be able to progress further until you upgrade your gear. However, you can try to clear all the floors of the tower as many times as you want because there is no daily limit for the tower.

  3. You can buy Harmony Shards from the Chaos Dungeon vendor by selling Disorder Crystals. You can get Disorder Crystal through different sources and one of which is Chaos dungeons.
  4. You can get Harmony Shards as a reward for killing enemies in Abyssal Raids and Guardian Raids. Both of them are the end-game content so you will need higher item levels to complete them. So you will need some time to get there.
  5. You can get Harmony Shards by disassembling items. If you have got duplicate pieces of equipment then you can disassemble them to get some materials from it. Just right-click on them in your inventory and deconstruct them to recover some Harmony Shards.

How To Use:

Here’s how to use the Harmony Shards in Lost Ark:

  • You will need Harmony Shards to upgrade your weapons and armor after you have unlocked the Gear Honing Process in Lost Ark.
  • Go to the Vern Castle and talk to the Gear Honing NPC who is marked on your map with a grey hammer icon to unlock the Gear Honing Process.
  • When you talk to the NPC, a menu will open and you will be able to see all the available pieces of gear which can be upgraded.
  • Choose the one you want to upgrade and then click on the upgrade button to confirm your choice.
  • You will also need Harmony Leapstones and some other resources to upgrade your weapons and armor eventually as upgrading an item further is going to be expensive after each upgrade.