Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga | How To Complete All Pentranaki Panic Challenges?

Lego SW: TSS has several missions for the players in it. Here’s how to complete All Pentranaki Panic challenges in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

There are several missions in Lego Star Wars: TSS and one of them is the Pentranaki Panic mission. Anakin and Padme seek to save Obi-Wan from Count Dooku in this mission but unluckily, they both get caught and apprehended and used as entertainment for the crowd. Players will need to complete several challenges to complete this mission so we have made this guide to tell you how to complete all Petranaki Panic challenges in Lego Star Wars: TSS.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – All Pentranaki Panic Challenges:

There are a total of three challenges that players will need to complete in this mission. Here’s how to complete these challenges:

In Head Challenge:

  • You must have a character that is a force user as you must utilize force on the Reek, Acklay, or Nexu to attack the other to complete this challenge.
  • Perform the Jedi Mind Trick, the Influence ability to take control of them and strike when you are near one of them.

Rumble In The Arena Challenge:

  • You must take control of the Reek and stomp over 20 combat droids in this Arena but riding a reek is not very easy.
  • You must wait until the Jedi have entered the Arena after Vanquishing them once.

Re-gifted Challenge:

  • In the last challenge, Jango Fett will fire a missile at you so you must until he does that before using the force.
  • Launch the rocket at any of the droids after you grab it.