How to Unlock New Game Plus in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor!

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor is a fantastic game that features an amazing story and gameplay experience. One of the exciting features of this game is the New Game Plus mode.

This mode allows players to restart the game with all the previously unlocked stances, cosmetics, and perk points, which can enhance the gameplay experience. Here in this guide, we will tell you all the details you need to know about the New Game Plus Mode, including what new content it brings to you in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor!

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor – New Game + Mode:

Here’s everything you need to know about the New Game + Mode in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor:

To unlock the New Game Plus mode in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players need to complete the entirety of the main story. Once the main story is completed, players can start the new game plus mode from the main menu. However, it’s important to note that some abilities, such as dash, will need to be unlocked again as they affect the structuring of the campaign.

In New Game Plus mode, players can continue collecting cosmetics and other items, but they will have to unlock locations such as Jedha and the Broken Moon again. However, players can find new lightsaber colors, allowing for further customization. Players can apply the red lightsaber color to their saber at the first workbench on the mantis, and there is also a “party” mode for the lightsaber that changes the color of the saber every time the player parries or attacks an opponent.

New Game Plus also adds three new perks for players to choose from; Trendsetter, Purity, and Warrior. The Warrior perk adds more difficult enemy types to each encounter, while the Trendsetter perk changes all the player’s cosmetics on each death. Finally, the Purity perk increases all damage output from enemies and allies, making the game more challenging and rewarding.

Starting a New Game Plus save can be a great way to experience the game differently. With the changes to gameplay through the perks, this is an enjoyable process as the game introduces some extremely difficult enemy types early on in the campaign. The additional perks and change of difficulty can really change how the player approaches different areas of the game, providing a new challenge.

So, unlocking New Game Plus in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor can be a rewarding experience for players who have completed the main story. This mode allows players to start the game again with previously unlocked stances, cosmetics, and perk points, making the gameplay experience more free and customizable. With the addition of new lightsaber colors and perks, players can enjoy a fresh take on the game and continue exploring the Star Wars universe.

Check out this guide here to find out How To Complete The Rendezvous With Cere’s Contact in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor!