How To Unlock More Perks in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor!

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players have the opportunity to unlock and utilize a variety of Perks that can significantly enhance their gameplay experience.

Perks are essentially skill upgrades that offer various benefits, such as increasing the player’s health, improving their combat abilities, or unlocking new moves and abilities. As players progress through the game, they can unlock more Perks by completing specific challenges, finding hidden items, or reaching certain milestones. These Perks are vital to the player’s success in the game, and players must choose which ones to unlock carefully. The game offers a diverse range of Perks that cater to different playstyles, allowing players to customize Cal’s fighting style to their liking. This guide will provide players with a comprehensive overview of how they can unlock more Perks in the game. It will cover various strategies and tips that players can use to make progress in the game and unlock new Perks. Whether players prefer a more aggressive combat style or a more strategic approach, this guide will offer useful advice on how to maximize their Perk potential.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor – Perks:

There are two ways to unlock more Perk slots in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

  • The first way is to purchase them from the droid Zee. Zee is a vendor that players can encounter in the Chamber of Duality. Once players have completed the Forest Array area and have traveled to the fixed Mantis, they can return to Pyloon’s Saloon and unlock Zee as a vendor. To purchase a Perk slot from Zee, players must trade five Datadiscs. Datadiscs can be found across various locations in the game, including Stone Spires, Shattered Moon, and Forest Array. By bringing these items back to Zee on the upper floor of Pyloon’s Saloon, players can gain access to more Perk slots.
  • The second way to unlock more Perk slots is to complete Jedi Chambers. Jedi Chambers are optional quests that players can accept as they explore the game world. There are seven total Chambers located on both Jedah and Koboh, and they are all tied to Perks. To find these Chambers, players must listen to Rumors told by other characters. Each Chamber offers a unique combat challenge or puzzle to solve.

Here is a list of the seven Jedi Chambers and their locations:

  1. Chamber of Duality – Found as part of the main story on Koboh, through the Collapsed Passage.
  2. Chamber of Reason – Discovered by following the “Explore the High Republic Chamber in the Forest” Rumor given by NPC Toa in the Basalt Rift area.
  3. Chamber of Fortitude – From the same Rumor to find the Chamber of Reason, this place is located past the Corroded Silo after players have learned the Lift and Slam abilities.
  4. Chamber of Detachment – Also following the High Republic Rumor, this chamber is near the Mountain Ascent, beyond a waterfall within the Fogged Expanse.
  5. Chamber of Connection – A Rumor called “Explore the High Republic Chamber in the Swamp” clues players toward the Gorge Crash Site and past several ziplines below an elevator past the Meditation Point here.
  6. Chamber of Clarity – Players can only reach this chamber by using a Mount to reach the Untamed Downs area next to Rambler’s Reach Outpost.
  7. Chamber of Ambidexterity – On Koboh, players need to fast-travel to the Grand Chamber Meditation Point and direct a laser in the Devastated Settlement’s Stone Spies area to open the entrance to this chamber.

By completing these Jedi Chambers, players can unlock more Perk slots and gain access to new Perks. With the increased Perk slots received from either Jedi Chambers or Zee, players can spend their unused skill points on combat abilities that will help them overcome the tougher enemies and bosses ahead in the story.

So, unlocking more Perks in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a crucial part of improving Cal’s fighting style and skills. Players can purchase Perk slots from Zee in exchange for Datadiscs, or complete Jedi Chambers to unlock more Perk slots and gain access to new Perks. By taking advantage of these methods, players can customize Cal’s combat abilities to overcome any obstacle in the game.