How To Fast Travel Using Floo Flames in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game set in the magical world of Harry Potter.

One of the key features of this game is the ability to fast travel using Floo flames. In this article, we will explore how to use Floo flames and their locations in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy – Floo Flames:

Here’s everything you need to know about Floo Flames in Hogwarts Legacy:

What are Floo flames?

Floo flames are green fires that can be found in designated fireplaces throughout the wizarding world. These fires allow wizards and witches to travel from one location to another instantaneously by jumping into the fire and stating their desired destination. In Hogwarts Legacy, Floo flames serve as fast travel points, allowing players to quickly move from one area of the game to another.

How to use Floo flames

To use Floo flames in Hogwarts Legacy, simply approach a Floo flame and interact with it. You will then be prompted to select your desired destination from a list of available locations. Once you have selected your destination, simply jump into the Floo flame and you will be transported to your desired location in no time.

It is important to note that not all locations in the game are accessible via floo flames. To see a list of available fast travel destinations, simply open your map and look for the green floo flame icon. If a location does not have a green floo flame icon, it cannot be reached via floo flames.

Floo flame locations

There are several floo flame locations scattered throughout the game world of Hogwarts Legacy. Some of the key floo flame locations include:

  1. Hogwarts Castle: You can find floo flames in various parts of Hogwarts Castle, including the Great Hall and the Gryffindor common room.
  2. Hogsmeade: The wizarding village of Hogsmeade has a number of floo flames that you can use to travel to other locations in the game.
  3. Forbidden Forest: There is a Floo flame located in the Forbidden Forest, which you can use to travel back to Hogwarts Castle.
  4. Diagon Alley: The wizarding shopping district of Diagon Alley has a floo flame that you can use to travel to other locations in the game.

Here’s the list of all Floo Flames locations in Hogwarts Legacy:

  • All Hogwarts House Common Rooms (Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor)
  • Hagrid’s Hut
  • Clock Tower
  • Fountain area near the Library
  • Dark Arts Wing (2)
  • Divination Tower
  • Hesperus Hall bridge
  • Clock Tower courtyard bridge
  • Transfiguration courtyard
  • Grand Staircase by the Viaduct
  • Grand Staircase by the Hufflepuff Common Room
  • Central Hall
  • Hogsmeade (2)
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
  • Herbology Greenhouse
  • Viaduct courtyard
  • History of Magic classroom

By using floo flames, you can save time and quickly travel between locations in Hogwarts Legacy. Keep these locations in mind as you explore the game and take advantage of this convenient fast travel option.