How To Complete ‘Across The Realms’ Favor Quest in God of War: Ragnarok?

If you are looking for a guide to complete ‘Across The Realms’ Favor and find a good reward then you need to read this guide.

Jari and Somr were two of the many people that Kratos and Atreus met during their travels. They were a couple that had been traveling the realms for quite some time before eventually finding a home in Midgard. Mimir told the story of how the couple had come to find their home in Midgard. In an effort to meet them, Kratos and company gathered the ingredients necessary for their next dish.

Across the Realms Ingredient locations

  • Nordic Gourd

    • In order to find the Nordic Gourd, you’ll need to head to Midgard and look for Jari and Somr’s camp.
    • Once you’re there, you should be able to find the ingredient with ease.
    • Keep in mind that the Nordic Gourd is a rare ingredient, so it’s important to not overlook it.
  • Elven Cap

    • To enter the Forbidden Sands region of Alfheim, players must use a chisel that has been enchanted by Freya.
    • This can be done by speaking to her at her home in the southeast corner of the map.
    • Once in the Forbidden Sands, players should head to the Southeast part of the map where the gravestone is and look for Jari and Somr’s mark.
    • The Elven Cap will be located there.
    • Prongfruit

    • The Prongfruit is a rare and powerful ingredient that can be found in the game God of War.
    • In order to get the fruit, the player must travel to the location of the Mystic Gateway in Nidavellir Beach.
    • Once they have arrived at the Gateway, they must use the Draupnir Spear to create a bar that will allow them to get access to the train.
    • The player does not need to go to the Forge itself.
    • You can find this ingredient in a place near the train stops.
  • Bantam Melon

    • The Bantam Melon is the last item on our shopping cart and is located in the Sinkholes region of Vanaheim.
    • In order to have access to the place where the melon is, you need to open the dam and release the river into the valley.
    • Once the river has been released, take a boat to where the gravestone is and disembark at the nearest dock.
    • When you start following the river and you’ll see a water gate.
    • You need to open that gate and you’ll find the Bantam Melon.
      • After you are done collecting all the ingredients you need to go to Jari and Somr’s camp.
      • There you will get the Meal of Comfort as a reward.
      • Meal of Comfort can increase your stats by +5 permanently.