How to Beat Fengxi Boss in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty?

Beating Fengxi, the third boss in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, can be challenging, but with the right strategy and preparation, it is possible to emerge victorious.

In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step process on how to beat Fengxi in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty – Fengxi Boss:

Here’s how to beat Fengxi Boss in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty:

  1. Preparation:

Before you enter the boss fight, make sure you have the following items:

  • Healing potions: These will help you regenerate health during the fight.
  • Throwing weapons: These can deal damage to the boss from a safe distance.
  • Fire bombs: These can deal massive damage to the boss.
  • A melee weapon with high damage output.
  1. First Stage:

In the first stage of the fight, Fengxi will move around the arena and attack you with his claws. Keep your distance and wait for him to use his special attack where he slams the ground, creating a shockwave that travels in a straight line. Dodge this attack and quickly move in to attack Fengxi while he recovers. Repeat this process until you have depleted his health bar.

  1. Second Stage:

In the second stage of the fight, Fengxi will transform into a dragon and take to the air. During this stage, use your throwing weapons and fire bombs to damage him while he flies around the arena. When he lands, quickly move in and attack him with your melee weapon. Be careful of his attacks, as he can deal massive damage with his claws and fire breath. Keep attacking and dodging until you have depleted his health bar.

  1. Tips:
  • Use the environment to your advantage. Dodge Fengxi’s attacks and move in to attack him when he is vulnerable.
  • Keep a safe distance during the first stage of the fight and attack him when he is recovering from his special attack.
  • During the second stage of the fight, use your throwing weapons and fire bombs to damage him while he is in the air.
  • Be careful of his attacks, especially his fire breath, which can deal massive damage.
  • Use healing potions when your health is low.

By following these steps and tips, you can beat Fengxi, the third boss in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty. Remember to stay patient and take your time, and don’t be afraid to use healing potions if necessary. Good luck!

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