How Long Does It Takes To Beat Dredge?

Dredge is an exciting game that is packed with a lot of content to explore and discover.

However, one common question among players is how long it takes to beat the game. The answer to this question varies depending on the player’s approach towards completion, as well as their ability to handle the game’s difficulty level. Dredge has a lot of threats that can surprise players, making progress far from being a straight line. Additionally, players can choose to fish and make money, which can extend the gameplay even further.

Dredge – Game Length:

To give a better idea of the game’s length, we have broken down Dredge’s completion time into three categories. The first is the Critical Path/Just Story, which takes approximately 10-12 hours to complete. This category only focuses on the game’s main story, ignoring any optional content or side quests. The second category is the Standard Playthrough, which includes some side quests and takes around 13-16 hours to complete. Finally, the 100% Completionist playthrough takes approximately 17-22 hours and involves completing all the main quests, side quests, and optional content available in the game.

However, evaluating the game’s length is not as straightforward as it may seem. The game has a lot of luck-based elements, like monster attacks or finding useful items, and the player’s approach toward difficulty can also affect the game’s length. Some players might feel the need to gather as many upgrades as possible, while others might try to survive without them. Moreover, Dredge has a lot of sidequests, known as pursuits, and other jobs to complete while out on the water. Pursuits can take players all over the map, and completing them adds significantly to the game’s playtime. Therefore, players will likely spend more time playing the game if they complete all the optional pursuits available.

In summary, the length of Dredge depends on several factors, including the player’s approach towards difficulty and how much of the game’s content they want to explore. Players can choose to focus only on the main story or complete all the side quests and optional content available in the game, with completion times ranging from 10-22 hours.

Check out this guide here to find out How to complete Flames of the Deep Pursuit quest in Dredge.