Hot Wheel Unleashed | Does it have Cross Platform or Cross Play?

Hot wheel unleashed is an arcade car racing game which is developed and published by Milestone. The cars that are used in the game are from Mattel’s Hot Wheels toy brand. This small miniature game has been released on almost every platform. The game offers the hot wheels Toy cars lovers to recreate and construct exceptional and insane tracks.  With the release of the game, players want to know that does the game has cross-play or cross-platform or not. So here in this guide, we will answer your question and tell you that does Hot Wheel unleashed have Cross-Platform or Cross-Play or not.

Does Hot Wheels Unleashed Have Cross-Platform or Cross-Play?

No, Hot Wheel Unleashed does not have a Cross-Platform feature, however, it does support the Cross-play. So it means that those who are playing the game on Xbox One can play the online multiplayer PVP with Xbox Series X/S players, and PlayStation players can play with each other.

It is not confirmed that whether the Cross-Platform feature will be introduced by the developers in the future or not.

That’s everything there is to know about Cross-Play and Cross-Platform in Hot Wheels Unleashed.