God of War: Ragnarok Mine Puzzle Solution For Tyr Water Wheel

If you are still trying to find a solution for Mine Puzzle Solution For Tyr Water Wheel in God of War: Ragnarok, then this guide is for you.

To solve the Mine Puzzle in God of War Ragnarok, you’ll need to have good knowledge of how to use your weapons in the environment. The Mine Puzzle is found in Tyr’s Water Wheel, and it’s a tough challenge that tests players’ knowledge of how to use their weapons in the environment. In this guide, we’ll show you how to solve the Mine Puzzle of Tyr Water Wheel.

How to Solve the Mine Puzzle in God of War Ragnarok?

This is how you can solve the mine puzzle in God of War Ragnarok:

  • First thing you will see there will be some ores that you need to destroy by using Atreus arrows. This will free the rope.
  • Now you can use your chain. With the help of the chain tight the rope.
  • Now grab that rope so you can get to the other side.
  • After getting to the other side you need to go towards the Noth-East side, so you can climb up.
  • From there you will help Kratos and instruct him on what to do next.
  • You will see a machine and if you can start that machine, you will be able to drop some of the ores in the water.
  • Next, you will see the water wheel and you need to throw your axe toward the water wheel so you can start the water.
  • Next, move a bit towards the South and you need to freeze the water with the help of your axe. But make sure there is some water on the wheel when it freezes.
  • Now you will see a new place moving, you can grapple to that place and jump on it,
  • Now you will see some more ores and you need help from Atreus to destroy them with the arrow.
  • Destroying these ores will make the Kratos place start moving.
  • Your last step is just you need to jump on the other side of the door to finish the puzzle.