Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes | How To Get Umbral Steel?

There are several resources that you will need to upgrade your weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Here’s how to get Umbral Steel in it.

Umbral Steel is one of the rare resources that you will need to boost the efficacy of certain weapons in the game. It’s a rare resource so it becomes difficult to get it in the game so that’s why we have made this guide to help you in getting Umbral Steel in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Umbral Steel:

Here’s how to get Umbral Steel in FEW: Three Hopes:

  • You can get Umbral Steel by defeating Demonic Beasts that you encounter through the campaign.
  • You will need numerous characters with different classes to beat these massive beasts.
  • They have several health bars and it makes them a difficult boss, they also have a large area of effect (AoE) attacks.
  • These Demon Beasts can appear as a secondary mission task or they can appear as a surprise encounter.
  • They are mostly related to the campaigns’ time-limited side tasks.
  • You will be able to complete an Extra quest, but you must begin it with a particular number of turns.
  • You must know how many turns you have left until a side quest vanishes.
  • If you miss these chances, the Demon Beasts will get out of your hands and you won’t be able to get Umbral Steel.
  • You must check your map every time you start a new chapter to see if there are any new side tasks available before the timers run out.