In Far Cry 6, there are several missions, and one of these missions is known as Surgical Strike players will have to find all poison production sub-station and destroy the pipelines to complete this mission in the game. In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about how to complete the Surgical Strike mission in Far Cry 6.
How To Complete “Surgical Strike” Mission in Far Cry 6?
You will have to complete the “Tourist Trap” mission to unlock the Surgical Strike mission in Far Cry 6. You will have to go to La Joya Cardosa and talk to the lucky mama there to start this mission.
Once the mission is started you will have to find the locations of the poisonous pipes by hacking into Mckay’s computer. You will have to follow these pipelines to the northeast until you reach the first sub-station to destroy these pipelines. Here you will have to pull 3 levers to destroy the first Sub-station. Following are the locations of the 3 levers you need to pull to destroy the first sub-station:
- Go into the control room and pull the lever.
- After that go to the southeast part of the search area and pull the lever there.
- The final level in the first sub-station is next to the control room with the first lever on the northwest side.
Follow the pipes out of the Sub-station to the east until you reach the second Sub-station. Here you will have to shoot the weak points in the pipe to destroy the sub-station. Here are all the weak points that you need to shoot in order to destroy the second sub-station:
- The first weak point is in the southeast part of the search area under some walkways.
- The second weak point is slight to the east of the first weak point underneath some walkways.
- The final weak point on the second sub-station is on the east part of the search area behind the PG-240 Search area.
Follow the pipelines out of the sub-station to the east until you find the third sub-station. Just like the second sub-station, you will have to shoot the weak points to destroy this sub-station. Here are the locations of the weak points that you need to shoot to destroy this sub-station:
- The first weak point is next to the PG-240 Yellow tank next to the ladder.
- The second weak point is underwater on the west side of the west water pool in the middle of the search area.
- The final weak point is in a pipe under the water tower on the northwest part of the search area.
Follow the pipelines to the southeast out of the sub-station until you find the fourth and final sub-station. Here you will have to shoot the weak points to destroy this sub-station. Following are the locations of the weak points that you need to shoot to destroy the final sub-station:
- The first weak point is directly under the PG-240 yellow tank on a pipe leading to it.
- The second weak point is on a pipe going on the other side of the concrete from the PG-240 Yellow tank.
You will have to find a key to destroy the fourth and final sub-station. You can find the in the northeast part of the RedZone outside of the search area sitting on a box next to the control panel and some pipes. Take the key to the control room next to PG-240 Yellowtank and pull the middle lever. Doing so will destroy the last sub-station and the surgical strike mission will be completed in Far Cry 6. You will earn 150 XP as a reward for completing this mission.
That’s everything there is to know about how to complete the surgical strike mission in Far Cry 6. If you want to check out more of our Far Cry 6 Guides. Go to Our Far Cry 6 Guide Page Here.