Far Cry 6 | How To Save Your Progress?

Far Cry 6 is finally out, and many players are wondering how can they save their progress manually in the game. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t have a system to save your progress manually, which is not a good thing in an FPS game. However, we have a method for you, which will allow you to save your progress and exit the game whenever you want. In this guide, we will tell you how to save your progress in Far Cry 6.

How To Save Your Progress in Far Cry 6?

Far Cry 6 only has the autosave system in it. So in order to save your progress, you will have to activate the autosave option in the game. The game autosaves your files usually after you complete a mission or reach a safe zone. Whenever the game autosaves your progress, a tine paper symbol will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. If you want to activate the autosave system, all you need to do is fast travel to a safe zone on the map. so just fast travel to a liberated controlled area or one of your rebel hideouts and your progress will be autosaved in the game.

That’s everything there is to know about how to save your progress in Far Cry 6.