Everspace 2 | Best Weapons Guide | List of All Primary Weapons

Everspace 2 is a fast-paced rogue-lite space shooter that offers players a wide range of weapons to choose from.

Among these weapons, primary weapons stand out as the main source of offense for the player. Choosing the right primary weapon can make or break your run in this challenging game. With 10 different primary weapons to choose from, each with its unique stats and characteristics, it can be overwhelming to know which one to pick. In this guide, we will provide an overview of each primary weapon in Everspace 2, including its strengths, weaknesses, and optimal use cases. Whether you prefer to snipe enemies from afar or engage in close-range combat, this guide will help you pick the right weapon for your play style.

Everspace 2 – Primary Weapons:

Here’s the list of all the Primary Weapons available in Everspace 2:

Autocannon: The Autocannon is a powerful weapon that shoots high-speed projectiles. Once spun up, it deals mostly Kinetic damage to enemies. It is a versatile weapon that is effective against most types of enemies, and can be especially useful in situations where you need to take down fast-moving targets quickly.

Beam Laser: The Beam Laser is a hitscan laser that deals equal parts Kinetic and Energy damage over time. It is a reliable weapon that can be used to take down most enemies with ease, but its sustained fire can also draw unwanted attention from nearby enemies. The Beam Laser is a great choice for players who prefer to deal consistent damage over time.

Blaster: The Blaster is an automatic energy blaster with a large spread. It deals good Energy damage and can be used to take down multiple enemies at once. The Blaster is a great choice for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies, as its spread can make it difficult to miss.

Coil Gun: The Coil Gun is similar to the Beam Laser, but its lasers are fired rapidly instead of sustained. It is slightly better for Kinetic damage than Energy damage. The Coil Gun is a good choice for players who like to deal damage quickly, but may not be as effective against heavily armored enemies.

Flak: The Flak is a unique weapon that shoots slow projectiles that explode after a short duration in a widespread, or if they hit a target. It is best used for Kinetic damage and can be effective against groups of enemies. The Flak is a good choice for players who like to deal with area-of-effect damage.

Gauss Cannon: The Gauss Cannon’s rate of fire continuously increases as you hold the trigger, dealing high Energy and Kinetic damage. It is a powerful weapon that can be used to take down heavily armored enemies quickly, but its slow rate of fire can make it difficult to use against fast-moving targets.

Pulse Laser: The Pulse Laser is a rapid-firing projectile that is great for Energy damage. It is not hitscan, so it can take some practice to get used to aiming with it. The Pulse Laser is a good choice for players who prefer to deal damage quickly and accurately.

Rail Gun: The Rail Gun is the longest-range weapon in the list and is best used as a sniper. It has low damage across the board, but its range and accuracy make it a valuable tool for taking down enemies from a distance. The Rail Gun is a good choice for players who prefer to stay back and pick off enemies from afar.

Scatter Gun: The Scatter Gun is the shotgun of the game, dealing high Kinetic damage but only at very short range. It is a devastating weapon that can be used to take down enemies quickly, but its short range makes it difficult to use against fast-moving targets.

Thermo Gun: The Thermo Gun shoots out homing projectiles for middle-of-the-road Energy damage. It is a versatile weapon that can be used against most types of enemies, but may not be as effective against heavily armored targets. The Thermo Gun is a good choice for players who prefer a more balanced approach to combat.

Overall, there are many different primary weapons to choose from in Everspace 2, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to experiment with different weapons to find the one that best suits your playstyle and to always be prepared to switch to a different weapon if your current one is not effective against a particular enemy or situation.

Check out this guide here to find out How To Unlock All The Achievements in Everspace  2.