Dying Light 2 Stay Human | How To Save Your Game Progress?

DL2 has been released and several players want to know about its saving mechanism. Here’s how to save your game progress in Dying Light 2.

There are several quests that players have to complete in DL2, and completing all of them will take a lot of time. So that’s why saving your progress is necessary as you won’t be able to complete the game in a single run. But players don’t how DL2 saves mechanics work and is it possible to save their game progress manually?. So keep reading this article to know everything about how to save your progress in DL2.

How To Save Your Game Progress in Dying Light 2:

DL2 has autosave mechanics which means that you won’t be able to save your progress manually. So you will have to avoid doing mistakes as you will get only one save slot per playthrough.

Here’s when the autosave features save your game progress in DL2:

  1. At Certain checkpoints during a quest.
  2. After you complete a quest.
  3. When you exit the game.

You can also save your progress by fast traveling to a location on your map in Dying Light 2.