Destiny 2 Witch Queen | Exotic Weapons | What is Dead Messenger?

There are some new exotic weapons and armors added in D2 WQ. Here’s all you must know about the Dead Messenger Exotic weapon in Destiny 2 Witch Queen.

Destiny 2 Witch Queen has introduced a lot of new exotic weapons and armors for the players to find down in the game. Dead Messenger is one of those new exotic weapons that are added in D2 as part of the Witch Queen DLC expansion.  Let’s take a look below at how the Dead Messenger works and what are its stats in D2:

Destiny 2: Witch Queen – Dead Messenger:

Dead Messenger is one of the best exotic weapons added in D2 and, it will attract those guardians to kill their enemy with just one single shot. It’s a breach-loaded special ammo grenade launcher that also has some new perks and traits which are different than all the other weapons in the game.

It will unleash a wave of energy on the ground when you shoot a single round with it because it is basically a wave frame grenade launcher that kills everything on the ground within its range after you shoot one round from it. Below we have listed all the perks available for the Dead Messenger Grenade launcher:

IntrinsicTrinary VisionOne-shot handheld Grenade Launcher. Projectiles release a fan of three energy waves in contact with the ground.
TraitThe FundamentalsUsing your alternate fire button, change this weapon’s damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc, and Void.

Dead Messenger is the perfect weapon for all the high-level stuff such as grandmaster nightfall strikes, dungeons, or raids because it allows you to quickly switch your damage element and fight against the enemy’s shield.

That’s all there is to know about the exotic weapon Dead Messenger in D2 Witch Queen.