Destiny 2 | All Arc 3.0 Fragments

In Destiny 2, the various Fragments are quite important. Continue reading if you are interested in learning how the many different Fragments of Destiny 2 work.

The long-awaited release of Destiny 2’s Arc 3.0 is now available to all players. The gamers, on the other hand, are already concerned about the many possible consequences of the components in Arc 3.0. When Arc 3.0 is released, it will be the 18th year that players have been able to participate in games. Arc 3.0 is comprised of 14 sections, although at the time only 10 of those parts are playable. Our review of the information included in Destiny 2’s Arc 3,0 has come to an end.

All Arc 3.0 Fragments in Destiny 2 and their effects:

Here is the 10 Fragments list that is available in Arc 3.0 Fragments in Destiny 2:

Spark of ResistanceYou get +10 strength and more resistance when you are surrounded by combatants.
Spark of BeaconsYour Arc special weapon causes blinding with a final blow if you are amplified.
Spark of MomentumYou can reload your weapon by sliding over ammo bricks.
Spark of ShockYour Arc grenades jolt targets. -10 Discipline.
Spark of DischargeYour Arc special weapon causes Ionic Trace with a final blow if you are amplified. -10 Strength
Spark of FrequencyFor a little time, your reload speed increases with Melee hits.
Spark of FocusYou get a boost in class ability regeneration if you sprint for some time. -10 Resilience
Spark of RechargeBoost in melee and grenade energy if you are critically wounded.
Spark of MagnitudeIncrease duration time for lingering Arc grenades.
Spark of VoltsFinishers make you amplified. +10 Recovery.

Here is the 4 Fragments’ list that is not available yet:

Spark of IonsIf you defeat a jolted target it will create an Ionic Trace.
Spark of AmplitudeWhile being amplified if you defeat an enemy so fast you will get Orb of Power.
Spark of FeedbackBoost in outgoing melee damage if you took a lot of melee damage,+10 Resilience
Spark of BrillianceIf you defeat a blind enemy with precision damage, it will cause another blinding explosion. +10 Intellect