Dead Island 2 | How To Complete Message in a Bottle?

Dead Island 2 is a popular action role-playing game that offers an immersive gaming experience to players.

The game is full of challenges and secrets, and completing each mission adds to the excitement. One of the side quests that players can undertake is called Message in a Bottle, which requires them to rescue a food critic who turned into a zombie. This quest is not only thrilling but also rewarding, as players can earn 3000 XP and a new skill card. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps required to complete the Message in a Bottle quest in DI2.

Dead Island 2 – Message in a Bottle Quest:

Here’s how to complete the Message in a Bottle quest in DI2:

To unlock the Message in a Bottle quest, you need to complete the Boardwalking Dead quest in the main storyline. Once you have completed this, go to the Beach near the Santa Monica Pier and pick up the bottle to start the quest.

The first step is to go to the Bucket O’Fish building and pick up the note in the dark room on the bottom floor. Then, go to Pier Grill and pick up the note on the table outside.

After that, go to the Hot Dog Shack and defeat the Slobber, A. R Oliver, in the open area near the shack. Once you defeat him, collect the Journal Review, Hotdg Shak from his corpse. This will complete the Message in a Bottle side quest.

Completing this mission will reward you with 3000 XP and the Skill Card, Caustic Blight. So, it is definitely worth doing, even though it needs a bit of grinding.

It is important to note that the Slobber, A. R Oliver, is a tough enemy, so make sure you are well-equipped and have enough health items before facing him. You can also consider teaming up with other players to make the fight easier.

So, completing the Message in a Bottle side quest in DI2 is a challenging task, but with the right strategy and preparation, it is achievable. Make sure to follow the steps mentioned above and don’t forget to grab the Caustic Blight Skill Card.

Check out this guide to find out How To Find The Curtis Key in Dead Island 2.