Atomic Heart | Save File Location on PC

Atomic Heart is a popular first-person shooter game that is played on PC. In the game, players have to fight against various enemies and solve puzzles to progress through the story.

Like any other PC game, Atomic Heart has a save file where the player’s progress is stored. In this article, we will discuss where to find the Atomic Heart save file location on a PC.

Atomic Heart – Save File Location:

By default, Atomic Heart saves the game files in the following directory:


However, this directory is hidden by default, and the user needs to unhide the files and folders to access it. Here’s how to unhide the directory:

  1. Open File Explorer on your PC.
  2. Click on the “View” tab in the menu bar.
  3. Check the “Hidden items” checkbox in the “Show/hide” section.
  4. The hidden files and folders will now appear.
  5. Navigate to the following path:


Note: Replace “<username>” with your actual username.

In the SaveGames folder, players will see a list of saved games with filenames that include the date and time the game was saved. Each saved game file contains the player’s progress, including items collected, quests completed, and other game data.

Players can also back up their saved games by copying the files to a different directory or external drive. This can be useful in case the game crashes, or the save file becomes corrupted.