Atomic Heart | How To Solve Lockpicking Puzzles and Open Doors?

Atomic Heart is a first-person shooter game that features various puzzles, including lockpicking puzzles, that players need to solve to progress through the game.

In this article, we will discuss how to solve lockpicking puzzles and open doors in Atomic Heart.

Atomic Heart – How To Solve Lockpicking Puzzles & Open Doors:

Lockpicking Puzzles

Lockpicking puzzles are a common feature in Atomic Heart. Players need to find the lock and interact with it to begin the puzzle. The lockpicking puzzle involves turning the lock mechanism to align the pins correctly, allowing the lock to be opened.

Here’s how to solve a lockpicking puzzle in Atomic Heart:

  1. Locate the lock.
  2. Interact with the lock to initiate the lockpicking puzzle.
  3. Use the left and right mouse buttons to turn the lock mechanism.
  4. Pay attention to the pins’ positions and use the mouse buttons to align them correctly.
  5. Once all the pins are in the correct position, the lock will open.

It is worth noting that lockpicking puzzles can vary in difficulty, and some locks may require multiple attempts to solve them. Additionally, some locks may have a time limit, so players need to solve them quickly.

Opening Doors

In Atomic Heart, players need to open various doors to progress through the game. Some doors require specific keys or items to be opened, while others require the player to solve puzzles.

Here’s how to open a door in Atomic Heart:

  1. Locate the door.
  2. Interact with the door to attempt to open it.
  3. If the door is locked, check the surrounding area for keys or items that can unlock the door.
  4. If the door requires a puzzle to be solved, look for clues or hints in the area to help solve the puzzle.
  5. Once the puzzle is solved, the door will unlock, allowing the player to proceed.

It is essential to explore the game world thoroughly and pay attention to the environment to find clues or items that can help open doors or solve puzzles.