Far Cry 6 | High Supply Treasure Hunt

Far Cry 6 has a lot of treasures scattered around its map for the players to find in the game. Players will have to go on several treasures hunts across the Isla of Yara to find various unique weapons and other things. One of these treasure hunts is known as “High Supply” in the game. In this guide, we will tell you how to complete this treasure hunt in FC6.

How To Complete High Supply Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6?

The High Supply treasure hunt can be found in the Madrugada which is located in the northern part of the Lozania region in the game. Here’s the exact location where you can find the High Supply treasure hunt.

Once you reach the marked location, you will find a red box with some notes in it. Read the note and the high supply treasure hunt will start. Here’s how to complete the high supply treasure hunt:

  • Go to the top of the cliff by climbing through the ledges.
  • Grapple to the top of the cliff
  • Cross the wooden Bridge
  • Go inside the Cave and climb up on the ledge on your left side
  • Grapple your way towards the end of the Cave
  • Use your melee weapon to break the leaves and exit the cave.
  • Climb to the top of the cliffs through ledges or Vines.
  • Grapple your way across the cliff.
  • Shoot the rocky area with a torn red net.
  • Make your way up to the cliff.

The high supply treasure hunt will be completed once you reach the top of the cliff and open the chest.

That’s everything to know about how to complete this treasure hunt in FC6.